Lululemon ships to the following areas:
You work out, you sweat, you smell—right? Wrong! With stink-stopping Silverescent® fabric technology, powered by X-STATIC®, it doesn't have to be that way. Silverescent makes it safe to sweat again.
You push your body to earn that endorphin-induced high that you love, and you and your clothes get sweat soaked along the way. Naturally occurring bacteria on your body feed on the sweat, which creates that stinky athletic aroma that builds up in your workout clothes over time. The only thing you should gain from exercise is better health, not stinky gear.
Silver stops the stink-causing bacteria that occur when you sweat from reproducing—permanently. Silver releases positive ions that are attracted to the bacteria's negatively charged ions. When they all get together, the bacteria stops reproducing and kicking up a big stink.
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